Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Importance Of Saving Oneself

We live in a world that is completely saturated with sex. We can't escape it. Scantily clad women are seen on various commercials selling liquor, cars, food, and various Internet websites. Most of this note is based upon a class I took at 10th District a few months ago. It was an informative class that opened my eyes about sex. For those of you who know me, I can be a prude. I don't like to talk about sex unless it is about having sex when one is married. I despise sex in the context in a locker room manner. More importantly, I believe and know it's very important to abstain until one is married. I am not judging anyone who has had sex before they were married. I am not judging anyone who is unmarried having sex. Sex is not what it used to be. Sex is no longer a beautiful and loving act between a man and woman. It's seen as something that must be done quickly. Let's delve into some of the things most of us have seen and heard at a young age.

Young men are taught as young boys never to say no. Some boys are taught by older men that you become a man by the number of women you have sex with. Young girls are taught by some women that for them to be successful, one must lie on her back. People who teach lessons like this will receive their just due from the Lord above. Abstinence is seen as a weakness. Fornication is seen as strength. Sex is not what it used to be. A person shouldn't sow their oats because they can. We can do everything we want, but all things are not helpful (1 Corinthians 10:23). In fact, most of the young men my age who have had sex wish they didn't.

First, let's talk about how fornication is harming our bodies, a temple for the Holy Spirit as 1 Corinthians 6:18-20. Our bodies are vessels for the Holy Spirit to dwell in while we're on earth. Since we are now born-again Christians, the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Jesus sent it down to comfort us and guide us after His ascension. Since we are God's people, we are to act godly. Being godly is simply putting on God's nature. We should strive for perfection. God is not a man where He should lie. Neither is the Father a human being who would have sex before marriage. Our bodies should be pure, holy, clean, and undefiled. It's hard for the body to function as a holy temple the residue of another person being on us. Let me explain that. At 10th District, my teacher and his wife mentioned that when one loses their virginity before marriage, the person you were with is on your mind, heart, and spirit. It's hard to shake that person off of you since you are tainted by having sex with that person. Now, that you know that premarital sex taints your whole person, let's move on to how it can rob you of peace.

Second, Romans 8 is a wonderful chapter that has so many verses in it about the dangers of walking in lust. When we choose lust (not only lust for sex), we lose peace. Verse 6 tells of the perils of being focused on satisfying our mortal bodies. We lose peace and will die by making the flesh our god. The word death not only means dying physically, it means dying in other possible ways. If a guy and girl have sex, they may experience temporary joy once the sexual act is finished. However, peace will be stolen moments later. Peace is robbed when both parties worry about how to cover up their misdeeds. Both of them will worry about how they will appear to the public. The guy will have to worry how he'll appear to his friends. The girl will worry if the boy she was with will tell of their indiscretion which could make her out to be a whore. One's peace of mind is stolen. A second example of peace being stolen is if the girl believes she is pregnant. She has to worry about the stigma of being labeled as a single mother. She has to worry how her parents will accept the news of her pregnancy. The guy she is with has to now worry about finding employment, paying for child support, and taking care of this child. Children are not cheap. One moment of sinful pleasure can detour us from the plans God has for us. My final example of peace being robbed is one having sex with someone who is extremely promiscuous. One has to worry if a person caught something which is incurable. Lust has a heavy price.

Let's look at the opposite. When one doesn't give into lust, that person has peace. I'm going to brave with all of you, I'm a virgin. I'm the dreaded V-word. I'm not gay; I want to clear that up. I'm not ashamed of it and don't consider myself weak. God is refuge and fortress in everything (Psalms 46). I have peace knowing that by not having sex I will never have to worry about getting a girl pregnant. I won't have to calculate the exorbitant cost of childcare ranging from doctor's visits, diapers, formula, and clothing. I won't have to worry about a woman who got pregnant on purpose in order to take of herself rather than the child we conceived outside of wedlock. Also, I won't have to worry about going to family court trying to schedule visits with my child. I don't have to worry about catching an STD that can or can't be cured. I went to college, and have been tempted at times. However, God always makes a way of escape for us as is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 10:13. Lust will always wrestle with our soul as is mentioned in 1 Peter 2:11.

Many of you are baffled as to how to overcome the lust of the flesh. If one continues to run after God, the appetite of lust will be dwindling as we continue to listen to God's voice. God's voice can be heard when we read and study the Bible. His voice can he be heard in the wise words of those who love Him and make God the head of their lives. Satan will always get us distracted from our Christian walk by throwing things that we were delivered from. Sin has greater prices that must be paid for. However, our sins have been paid for by the Blood of Jesus Christ. The price for sin has been paid for. Remember what Romans 12 and 1 Peter 4 says. Both chapters say that we shouldn't be in the world, yet we must live in it. We should never be entangled with the trends of the world; we are just pilgrims traveling in it until we see Jesus face to face.

In conclusion, I want to throw some interesting facts for you all. People who abstain from sex have higher self-esteem, more fidelity, no residue from prior sexual partners, joy, peace of mind, less worries, and people who abstain from sex until marriage get divorced only 2% of the time. Lastly, people who live together before they get married get divorced 70% of time. This information comes from various sources. Look them up if you don't believe me. A real adult makes Jesus Christ the head of their lives as is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11:3. A man isn't man based on his anatomy. The same applies for a woman. Verses which talk about lust include 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 6, 1 Peter 2, Galatians 5, Hebrews 13, 2 Timothy 2, 2 Corinthians 6, 2 Corinthians 7, 1 Thessalonians 5, Ephesians 5. God bless all of you. Continue to walk in God so the flesh can die.

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