Sunday, September 20, 2015

The cure for a broken heart

A broken heart is something we all have experienced, but want to a cure for it. Some listen to songs, watch movies, eat, and listen to others who haven’t gotten over a relationship which ended badly. The above mentioned solutions may assuage the pain, but are simply Band-Aid solutions which are temporary. However, the scars are still there, the pain comes back, and are still searching for answers. We lose sleep and often become allow our broken hearts to make us bitter. I know of someone who can heal our broken heart who is Jesus Christ. He literally died from a broken heart while being nailed to the Cross. There are scriptures and insights which I am about to share with you when it comes to dealing with having one’s hear broken.

Being broken hearted occurs when finding romance or getting over a bad breakup. I want to shatter that long held myth. People have had their hearts broken when not looking for romance. I have had my heart broken when being bullied for wearing glasses, braces, and being on the honor roll in junior high school. I have had my heart broken in high school by feeling less than my male classmates. I felt ugly, boring, and unworthy of the attention and blessings which were coming my way. In college I’ve had my heart broken when friends who I was there for weren’t there for me. I’ve had my heart broken after college when looking at Facebook albums of fellow Tech alums living the dream life and possessing all that I wanted. I remember when I worked at Chase, I sat at my cubicle during my fifteen minute break, and God was saying, “Chris, you need to give me your broken heart. It has nothing to do with me with romance, but being wounded by others.” I remember I read a familiar passage from the book of Psalms. The Father told me to chapter 51 and 147. In the former, I remember it saying that God us to surrender our broken heart. In chapter 147:3, it says that God can heal a broken heart. He can heal it if we give it to Him.

Holding on to a broken heart cultivates certain fruit within us. This fruit is dangerous and includes bitterness, jealousy, envy, and hate. We are bitter over our past and it not working out the way we expected. We become jealous when we see those we love be blessed by God in multiple areas of their lives. We become envious by thinking the grass is greener on the other side by not being grateful for what we have. We become hateful and want to see others fail because we are so miserable in our lives. All of the above is dangerous and towards the end of 2009 I learn that go. It wasn’t easy, but I had to give it up.

I recall several instances of being in a position where dangerous fruit was starting to grow in my spirit. I remember seeing Facebook photos of myself with my mentor, his wife, and two sons who I call my “little brothers”. I began to feel sorry for myself because my parents divorced at an early age, I never saw a template for a loving Christian marriage, and wanted that in my life. I became jealous and hateful. I began sending hateful messages to my mentor just to spite him. My mentor rebuked me for placing him and his life on a pedestal. I recalled an e-mail he sent me in August 2008 saying, ‘My life isn’t perfect, but I serve a perfect God.’ I allowed Satan an open door and not ask God for peace in my life. I couldn’t believe I began to fall back into old ways of thinking.

I started to pray and asked God why does my life seem hard? I read Psalms 16:11, Matthew 11:30, Colossians 3:8, Hebrews 12: 1, and 1 Peter 2:1. After the above mentioned verses, I was slowly delivered. I stopped thinking that my mentor’s life and the lives of people I went to college were perfect. I know that there were times where their lives seemed barren and hopeless, but they overcame. I overcame obstacles that I thought were insurmountable during college. Towards the end of 2009, I asked to take all of my broken heart. I asked Him for peace over opportunities that I thought I would work out during and after college. I asked Him for a better than I one I have, yet still be grateful for the present. Giving all of your broken to the Father’s hands is the key. We can turn to our Advocate, Jesus Christ, who understands all that we go through (1 Corinthians 10).

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Christopher Hunter, author: From Your Eyes To Your Ears

Christopher Hunter, author: From Your Eyes To Your Ears: I'm pleased to announce to you all that the audiobook for Engaged To Be Murdered is now available as an audiobook. I want to personally...

From Your Eyes To Your Ears

I'm pleased to announce to you all that the audiobook for Engaged To Be Murdered is now available as an audiobook. I want to personally thank Thomas Fellows who served as the narrator and Glenn Koster who was the initial narrator but had to back out due to personal reasons. The audiobook is found at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. For those of you who want to turn your writing into an audiobook visit ACX. The website provides assistance in the form of email and phone calls in order to make the process seamless. Upload a sample of your writing and select the voice type you want. The matter of royalties and payment are explained on the narrators' profiles which makes the process in creating an audiobook even easier. Reach for your dreams and never cease to make them a reality. Everyone believes dreams coming to fruition are the privileged few. A dream coming true is God's gift to you and using it is your gift to the Father.

Christopher Hunter, author: Witness For The Prosecution

Christopher Hunter, author: Witness For The Prosecution: Last Thursday morning I was sitting in my car mulling over me twenty-eight and being single while those closest to me are dating or are ma...

Witness For The Prosecution

Last Thursday morning I was sitting in my car mulling over me twenty-eight and being single while those closest to me are dating or are married. I was so depressed and resentful towards my peers who are married, engaged, or dating someone with the intent of marrying them. A friend, brother in Christ, in my Bible study told me to focus on my relationship with Christ which sustains me in moments when life appears bleak. After receiving a series of encouraging text messages I was prodded by the Holy Spirit into reading 1 John 4. It is a chapter I frequently read during my senior year at Tech and after graduation when I was scrambling for work. I also learned from that powerful chapter that in order to recognize one has to be renewed in the love of God exemplified in Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Retreat to the Bible for refuge so the Enemy won't distract you or keep you from reaching your fullest potential by planting seeds of fear and doubt in your heart and spirit. Resentment comes from looking at others, but contentment comes from focusing on God. If you don't believe me, read 1 Timothy 6:6-10. It's easy in this word to cover the lives of others, but be careful. One doesn't know what trials a person endured in order to receive a well paying job, a nice car, spacious home, or an attractive spouse. Guard your heart and put it in the Lord's hands. 

As my period of introspection drew to a close I perused 1 John 5 which gave me a powerful sense of clarity. I was at my church Mt. Zion or at Bible study at the Wesley or the Table when the latter verses of that chapter spoke to me. I was talking to a friend who was so overwrought with depression and envy regarding the difficult spot his life is in. He lamented the choices he made in his life like we all do at some point in his life. As we finished our talk I looked at verses 6-13 which says 'the witness of God is greater than the witness of man'. Affirmation, purpose, a reason for being alive are what fuel us. Everyone wants to find their calling in life which can be difficult in a world that confuses purpose with socioeconomic status. I don't know who dictates social norms but God causes us to triumph in every circumstance. Don't purposefully put yourself in a difficult situation to receive a prize because you are tempting God which His Son warns us not to do. In order for a full harvest to happen a seed has to be planted, the soil must be tilled, and watered. Pressure makes diamonds and they never lose their brilliant luster. Stay blessed everyone.

Friday, July 3, 2015

One Step To Emancipation

Independence Day honors the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress. This document announced that the thirteen colonies are a new nation no longer under the control of the British Empire. This blog has nothing to do with our nation's history but the notion of freedom. My favorite word in the English language is emancipation because it means one isn't under the control of a domineering force. I was controlled by fear which causes torment as it is mentioned in 1 John 4:18, one of my favorite books. When God planted writing in my heart I feared what it meant. I wasn't a literature major nor did I attend a liberal arts college on the East Coast. Sometimes God places a desire in our hearts that pushes us out our comfort zone and allows us to be fully used for the purpose he has for our lives to bless others. For any gift that God has blessed you with use it for His glory so you can fulfill your calling hear on earth. One doesn't have to publish a novel, amass a large fortune, start a family, or become famous in order to make a difference. God will use where you are if you ask Him for guidance if we ask. A friend and brother in Christ told me that all of us are one step away from a major blessing or breakthrough. Let faith liberate you from any situation or person that is preventing you from fulfilling your destiny. It's never too late. Be blessed and relish in your independence from sin through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Follow your dreams and help make them a reality. Don't be on your deathbed and regret not pursuing your dreams. There's no sin in failure. The sin is if you never try.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Good evening my fellow bloggers. I'm sorry for being neglectful; please forgive me because I have been busy with work and drafting ideas for the second book I want out for the fall season. Sorry far the draft for book number two is going well. Could some characters I've introduced be responsible for a crime that has yet to commit. If you have any ideas let m know. Stay blessed and wrapped in God's love. Any gifts you have be sure to use them to glorify the One who has bestowed them you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Too Long

Good evening my fellow bloggers. I've been busy crafting the latest entry into The James Ellis Mystery Series. The ideas flowing down to me like manna from Heaven is a gift, putting them all together into a cohesive, thrilling, and enjoyable mystery is the challenge. It's a challenge I welcome with open arms. For the past week I have been busy reading a book called Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell has prevented me from being my own harshest critic when it comes to drafting ideas for A Murder Among Methodists. I hope God is pleased with how I'm exercising this gift and using it as a way to spread His word that Jesus loves us and is the perfect sin offering. Anyway, the audiobook to Engaged To Be Murdered I'm praying comes out later this month in time for the 4th of July. My 28th birthday has been exciting and taught me a lot about what I worked last year and doesn't work in this new chapter of my life.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Updates on book 2

Finished drafting chapter 2 for the second book. Wish me well everyone since I'm falling in love with this new book and characters I'm introducing.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Who is Miguel Rodriguez?

“Who is Miguel Andrews who helps James in his amateur investigation?” That will be explained in this posting.

Background of Miguel Rodriguez
Miguel Alejandro Rodriguez who was born in Oaxaca, Mexico, and emigrated to the United States when he was four years old when his older sisters and parents, Antonio and Selena. They settle in Carrington, Louisiana when Miguel is five years old. It is in kindergarten he becomes friends with James and Corey who share a love for cultures other than their own. Miguel excels in sports like Corey. He participates in cross country, soccer, and track. While participating in track, he shatters local and state records much to his and the community’s astonishment. He attends Clinton University majoring in psychology. His goal is to become a marriage and family counselor after reading books written by James’s parents and spending time with them. He furthers his education by attending grad school to get his masters in marriage and family therapy. The spontaneous and mischievous Miguel’s function is to come up with an assessment of the victim and killer. He is very protective of James whose naiveté and willingness to help the police can be seen as a way for people to take an advantage of James. He possesses a wry and deadpan sense of humor. He is very close to his friends whom he regards as the brothers he always wanted but never had.

Who is Corey Andrews?

“Who is Corey Andrews who has found himself enmeshed in murder?” I’ll explain all of that in this latest post.

Background of Corey Andrews
Corey Andrews is the oldest son of Amy and Nick Andrews who live in Carrington, Louisiana, as a realtor and computer analyst, respectively. Corey participated in sports at Carrington High School including cross country, football, track, and basketball. He is protective of his younger brothers Liam and Ryan who share his love for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Due to his athletic prowess, he is awarded an athletic scholarship where he attends Clinton University where he majors in accounting. During his sophomore year he starts dating Amanda Lancaster whom he eventually proposes marriage to during their senior year. Months after graduating from Clinton University Amanda is murdered shattering Corey whose life has been upended by this terrible loss. The once gregarious Corey finds himself struggling to find some semblance of normalcy after Amanda is murdered. He struggles in his relationship with James whom he resents for being the hero, but slowly accepts that the nature of their friendship has changed. As the series progresses with each novel God blesses me to write, the reader sees evidence of Corey’s personality returning. I don’t want to give away too much in order for you all to enjoy the follow-up to Engaged To Be Murdered which I am working on right now.

Who is James Ellis?

“Who is James Ellis?” is a question readers of my books might be asking. As I stated ad nauseum I began writing in the spring of 2012, months after receiving my masters in business administration from the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Rather than describe the supportive friendship Miguel, James, and Corey share, I am going to talk about them individually in terms of their personality, background, and opinions on different matters including them occasionally stumbling across a dead body. In the following paragraphs I am going to explain how the characters show different sides of my personalities.

Background of James Ellis
James Matthew Ellis is the youngest of three sons born to William and Mariah Ellis. James’s parents are highly successful relationship experts and bestselling writers whose success afforded them the opportunity to live comfortably in the small town of Carrington, Louisiana. Due his family’s affluence, it allows James to easily make friends from different walks of life. One would assume that James would feel very relaxed socially and emotionally, but he like everyone has his share of insecurities. His older brothers, Neal and Drew, are very attractive who had no trouble finding acceptance in high school and garnering the attention of the female population. James had very severe acne, braces, and found himself being looked as the ugly duckling among his parents’ children. Now as a 22-year-old his insecurities gradually fade away when he enrolls and graduates from Clinton University. 

James is the most naïve out of Miguel and Corey. Unlike Miguel and Corey who were athletes in high school and college, James has a strong passion for learning which is evidenced by him being named ‘Who’s Who among High School Students’ and the dean’s list at Carrington University. He majored in computer information systems and participated in several organizations such as the Association of Information Technology Professionals and Union Board. He is an introvert unlike Corey and Miguel. However, James is beginning to show interests in expanding his social circle when he attends grad school. He wants to carve his own niche for himself without being in the shadows of his parents and equally successful brothers. James’s interests are different from most adult young adults. He loves reading, journaling, listening to classical music which helps stimulate his mind, and a yearning to strengthen his faith.

Crime Solving
Given that James has lived in Carrington for his entire life he, members of the community are more willing to share information with him than others. James’s sleuthing is based off of one of my favorite TV characters Jessica Fletcher. Like Jessica, James hardly believes the most likely suspect is the one responsible for the crime even though they had a strong motive or an intense dislike for the victim. James remembers conversations that might seem innocuous yet are vital to the police arresting the guilty party.
Creation and Naming Of James
The first, middle, and last names of the main character are special to me. James is the middle name of my godfather. The middle name of Matthew is one that I have always had such a strong attraction to since it is the first book of the New Testament. Ellis was my great-grandmother’s last name whom I was blessed to have in my life until I was nineteen years old. Not a lot of people can say they knew their great-grandmother. Unlike myself who is the oldest of three children I thought it would be interesting to make James the youngest. He wouldn’t feel pressure to set a great example as the oldest, struggle to find his identity as the middle child, or play the mediator between his older and young siblings.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Good News

Copies of my book are being downloaded left and right on iTunes and is spiked on Amazon regarding their Kindle Lending Library. The response I have received from the book has been overwhelmingly positive. I will say that I have had to some major edits which consumed my weekend and even bled into my day at work. I'm sitting in my car during my lunch break making sure this last minute revisions for the eBook and paperback are perfect. I've also had people mention wanting to publish their works and they've asked me how I was able to do that. God is opening doors only He can.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Notice of my book was featured in the Monroe News-Star. Scroll down about halfway on the page and you will see notice of my book. I was so surprised the local paper would do a story on me. I have a feeling good things are heading my way through my writing after I spent all of Friday and Saturday doing some extensive revisions that went unnoticed. Reminder: always trust your instincts. I am going to take some time to when it comes to the second novel. Take one's time and know pressure makes diamonds.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Recent updates

Good evening my followers. I wanted to thank you all for your unwavering support and prayers because it is greatly appreciated. I wanted to inform you all that I have a new Facebook page that encompasses all of me not just the first novel. I read an article about increasing one's Internet presence and have faith this is one way. In addition to that narration for the first book is moving at a steady pace, and I'll be featured in the 'Book' section of the Monroe News-Star. So much has been happening in my life and it's all by the grace of God. When the article is available, I'll post the link to my blog, Twitter, and Facebook.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Update on Book

Good evening everyone on this Friday evening. I wanted to inform all of you that progress for the second book is moving at a smooth and steady pace. As I'm writing this post I wanted to inform you all that my book will be featured in the Monroe News-Star in their Sunday book section. In addition to that a portion of the proceeds from my book will go to Granny's South Kitchen and NIMA which sponsors the Morning Glory Christian Academy in Guatemala.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Hello my blog followers. I wanted to ask you all something. If you solve any mystery that has baffled people for years, what would it be? Examples I can think of are Lindbergh's baby or an unsolved murder in your community. Let me know what you would solve.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Been too long

It's over a week and a half since I last posted anything. I am pleased to inform you all that I have been featured in the Ouachita Citizen. It discusses my book and where it can be purchased. I also wanted to let anyone know that I have selected a new narrator for Engaged To Be Murdered.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Sorry for being AWOL

I've finished drafting chapter 8 for the new book. If you have ideas, let me know.

Sorry for being AWOL

I've finished drafting chapter 8 for the new book. If you have ideas, let me know.

Monday, April 13, 2015


My interview with the 91st volume, 10th issue of the ULM Hawkeye is on stands today. I am so excited this new avenue has opened itself up to me. I've started drafting chapter six for A Murder Among Methodists which I'm sure will thrill readers who loved or will love the first novel.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Whenever inspiration for ideas come to you, write them down on paper or jot them in your phone so you won't lose a germ of a wonderful idea.

Upcoming Events in my life

Welcome everyone who is new to this blog. My name is Christopher Hunter, and I'm a self-published author whose first book, Engaged To Be Murdered, is on sale at Amazon, Kobo, B&N, iTunes, Smashwords, Google Play, and other websites that sell eBooks and paperbacks. I finished the first novel and am drafting the second novel called A Murder Among Methodists.

This is the cover for my first book. Read it and enjoy it whenever you can.